Saturday, June 30, 2007


After making my donation, I was at the grocery store picking up cash for my lunch date with Cam when I saw Barack's face on the cover of Vanity Fair.


I picked it up and learned that Bono was the guest editor of the current issue. It focuses on Africa.

Bono said the main reason for the issue is, "We needed help in describing the continent of Africa as an opportunity, as an adventure, not a burden. Our habit - and we have to kick it - is to reduce this mesmerizing, entrepreneurial, dynamic continent of 53 diverse countries to a hopeless death bed of war, disease and corruption."

"What is needed is a leg up, not a handout. The issues are about justice, not charity."

We hear a lot about his activism lately but today, I read about how Bono and his wife spent six weeks working at an orphanage in Ethopia back in the '80s. I'm enjoying reading and learning more about what I can do to make a difference in Africa.

Again, I'm INSPI(RED).

I was happy to see Natalie Maines, of the Dixie Chicks, (with her sons Beckett, 3 and Blade, 6) in a Gap ad on the inside front cover spread of the VF Africa issue.

I've been intrigued by the Product (RED) campaign since Cam told me about its launch almost a year ago but since I hadn't actually purchased a (RED) product yet, I thought I'd wait to write about it.

The facing page reads, Every Generation has a VOICE.

The sixth page of the spread encourages up to Inspire the next generation to CHANGE THE WORLD.

One small thing I'm considering doing is buying a t-shirt. The (RED) campaign asks, "Can a t-shirt really save the world?" And answers, "This one can."

Today I joined (RED) and learned that we can also help by buying an i-Pod, a Motorola cell phone or designing a pair of Converse Shoes.

Maybe now's the time. Let's be EMPOWE(RED).

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