Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hanging around with Sam.

The other day, after a delicious brunch with Cam and his friend Heather, Sam and I opted to do our own thing while Cam showed her and one of her friends around the city.

We took our time and enjoyed the beautiful day while walking home.

Then, we spent some time trying out different paper airplane designs.

Later, I wanted to get back outside and I wanted French Fries. I took Sam out for a late lunch and then we went to the game store in San Rafael. There, he purchased a game he had looked at awhile ago.

He wanted to go home and play Khet. I wanted to go to the top of Mt. Tam and read Lord of the Rings. (We are almost through the second book of the trilogy.) In the end, we both got what we wanted.

Another day, he realized he could climb the doorway.

Click here for a Flickr set of more hanging around w/ Sam.

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