Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Thank you for coming to my blog.

Restless before the move, I decided if I was ever going to start a blog that now was a good time. I figured with all of the excitement around the move and having the summer off to explore a new area with Cameron and Sam, I would have lots to share.

I wanted to document the entire journey to California before launching the blog. I wish I were able to rearrange my posts so that they read in the order they were written. If you are able to read them from the bottom-up, that order represents the story as it was unfolding. It is lengthy. Read at your leisure and only what you find worthwhile. After you've caught up, feel free to join us for new experiences from the top down.

Thank you, Blogger, for allowing me to commemorate my memories. Thank you, Cam, for leading the way. And thank you for visiting, sharing and caring.

Much Love,

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