Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sharing our California

Just under a week ago, Sam's cousin, Patience came to California for a visit. The two of them have always been close.

I though I was going to have him on her 1st birthday. He was born three days later.

Sometimes, they like to celebrate their birthdays together. This year, we had reservations to be at Lake Tahoe for Sam's birthday.

We invited Patience to come along with us. She accepted.

I am very proud of her for getting on a plane with Sam and flying across the country to a place she'd never been before. We are having a wonderful time exploring. The kids laugh and play together all day.

I will write more after she leaves. In the meantime, check out Cam's blog for a Flickr set of our time at Tahoe and pictures of Patience's first trip to the ocean.

I'm helping her start her own blog as well.

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