Thursday, August 03, 2006

I got the job I wanted.

I'm excited to announce that I was offered a position working in Sam's school this fall. While we liked many things about Tiburon, we basically decided to live here because we were so impressed with what we learned about this school from their website. Their Teacher Features page let us feel a little like we knew the people before we moved.

I will be helping out in either fifth grade (where all of the kids have laptops) or third grade. They probably won't have me work in fourth grade so Sam and I are not right on top of each other.

Besides helping out in the classroom, they also need supervision on the playground during recess. The principal explained to me that they are looking into a program called, "Peaceful Playgrounds." That they having a strategy to approach recess with is encouraging. It should help all of us be on the same page which will likely make things run smoother. Last year, I provided coverage for kids from kindergarten through 8th grade. Sam's school serves kids in grades 3-5 exclusively. It should be fun.

I may work as a crossing guard before school and will probably be asked to teach a recreational class (like music) as an alternative to recess, during lunch. They also asked me to take the California Basic Educational Skills Test. I will take the test on August 12th. Once I pass it, I can work as an emergency substitute teacher. That won't be my primary responsibility but it will be helpful to be able to cover for a teacher on an as-needed basis. I will also get paid more when I am working as a sub.

Having the same schedule as Sam is huge. Being able to see him throughout the day is an enormous benefit. Working in his school again will be a worthwhile way for me to contribute to our family financially and have meaningful activity during the day while I explore other career options for the future.


Carma said...

I am so pleased for you. This sounds like a great opportunity for you to get your "sea legs" as it were.
Remember baby steps for any new venture. (Okay a move 3/4 of the way across the country is NOT considered a baby step. LOL)
Sounds like the school has a very specific and defined plan for itself as well as the students and parents.

Knock 'em dead doing the test. You will do great.

Eric Maddux said...


Sarah M said...

Congratulations Mary! You'll do great. This job sounds like its right up your alley and the perfect opportunity to still spend time with Sam yet give you the freedom to volunteer as we know you enjoy doing so much. Good luck on the exam. Keep us posted!

Sarah M said...

Congrats Mary! This job sounds like its right up your alley and the perfect opportunity to see Sam during the day yet give you the freedom to do other things, like volunteering, that we all know you enjoy doing so much. Best of luck on the exam. Keep us posted!