On 2/14/15, I wrote, It's a weird sort of Valentine's Day. I didn't
want to share this, today, but, it feels like the time to talk about it has
Cameron and I have been having some
really hard conversations, lately. It seems that while he still likes me
& still loves me, he is no longer in love with me. "The time
between meeting and finally leaving is sometimes called falling in love."
I've been sad, hurt, angry,
unsettled, a whole host of gut-wrenching emotions. I've cried lots. Once we came
to the realization, we've been trying to figure out what to do. We wondered,
"Can this be fixed?" I said, "If you'll try, I'll try."
But, if the reality is we aren't
going to try to fix it, we started talking about, "What are we going to
do?" Cameron & I are thinking we will continue co-parenting Sam
through his high school graduation (June 12), or maybe through his 18th
birthday (July 16), but that Cam & I will separate, sometime, this
We've talked about who should
move out in the meantime, & where we each of us might go. But,
currently, we are trying to amicably share our home, live together as friends.
If we get divorced in California,
it seems I will receive some sort of alimony, which should help as I try to
wrap my head around, "What's next?"
Once the wondering what was
wrong, the anxiety, the confusion, the shock, & devastation were faced,
we've been able to be open, honest, real, loving, supportive, & kind.
We've laughed & joked.
We've thought it might be alright, felt optimistic, hopeful, liberated, even
excited about the possibilities of a more autonomous future. "What does
Mary want?" What an interesting question.
I appreciate all Cam has offered
in terms of love & support these past 11 years as a family. I am trying
to accept his interest in doing what he thinks he should do to be happy,
recognizing it frees me up to do what I think I should do to be happy too.
But, today, I'm a little sad,
again. Sometimes, I feel brave. Sometimes, I feel lost. It is weird. It is
hard. It is us doing our best to be real.
We are all facing some big
transitions, in the coming months. Your continued love, support, encouragement,
ideas, suggestions, & friendship are most welcome. I think I'm gonna go
for a walk...