Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ten for Joplin - Helping Neighbors Rebuild

Proud of my dad, Bill Powell, and others from his Rotary group, who traveled to Joplin, early this morning, for their second day of volunteering with Habitat for Humanity teams there, as part of Ten for Joplin.

This home-building blitz provides an opportunity for those in surrounding communities to contribute their time and money to help their neighbors in need.

After volunteering on Thursday, 11/10/11, he traveled home to put up & take down flags, on Veteran's Day, with the Rotary group.  That night, he said, "The body is sore but the work was good...  Building houses again tomorrow." ~ Dad  

One of the people who traveled with my dad, on Thursday, wrote, "The three of us worked in Habitat House #3, at 2209 Kentucky, about three blocks west of the Joplin High School, where no clean-up has occurred.  Although we arrived on a frosty morning, prepared to work in the cold, we spent the day inside a heated house with only occasional trips outside for tools.  Bill did spend a lot of time at an outdoor saw but as least it was on the sunny side of the house."

"The Habitat people were very organized from our arrival until we departed.  Just as we were ready to leave the owner arrived for an inspection visit and we were able to meet him."

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